We hire both full-time callers and freelance callers.
What is the difference?
Schedule is typically 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. Pretty much your standard job.
You work on an “on-call” basis. What does this mean? You might be asked to work a few hours on Saturdays. You might be asked to work full-time for a few weeks during our busy season. You might have a break for a period of time. You’re basically hired to work when we need you. This gives lots of flexibility if you’re a freelance worker. If we put out the call needing some freelance workers and you can’t make it, no worries, we’ll catch ya next time!
Note: If you do well as a freelance worker and you’d like to consider working full-time, that can be an option as well!
Let’s Get Started!
We’ll Be There Every Step of the Way
Record Yourself
First you’ll make an audio recording of yourself reading the script located on this site.
Submit Info
Skype Interview
Step 1
Record Yourself
First you’ll make an audio recording of yourself reading the script located on this site.
Once you’ve got Vocaroo opened up in another tab, come back here and review the script. Practice as much as you need. The goal is to sound as conversational as possible.
When you’re ready to record, go back to your other tab and hit the big RED button (see image above) to start recording! Don’t worry, the recorder will work perfectly even if you change tabs to come back here and read the script from this site. When you’re done reading the script, go back to the other tab and hit the big RED button again to stop the recording. Feel free to test out the recorder to make sure everything is running smoothly!*
*Please also use your headset when you are recording. One big thing we judge with the recording is if there is any loud background noise, or if the quality of the headset is sufficient to make calls. As they say, put your best foot forward!
After the recording...
Please read word-for-word this script.
Hi (Lead Name)? This is (Rep Name) with Medicare Supplement Solutions.
We are giving you a call because of the recent rate increases to Medicare Supplement Plans.
You do have Medicare Supplement Insurance, correct?
Great! We want to make sure that you are not affected by these recent rate increases, so what we will do is have our Medicare Supplement Specialist contact you in the next day or two to make sure you are not overpaying for your supplement coverage.
Would morning or afternoon be better for you?
Oh by the way, do you know about how much you are paying for your Medicare Supplement Insurance?
(If NO, ask an approximate amount.)
Are you paying more than $100 per month?
And, do you know which company your coverage is with?
That is perfectly fine, we’ll have the Medicare Supplement Specialist contact you in the (morning/afternoon). Thank you and goodbye for now.
Step 1
You’ve Completed Step 1!
Let’s Start on Step 2!
Step 2
Submit Info

For step 2, we will have you submit your Vocaroo recording link along with a link to your resume and some contact information. Please upload your resume to a Google Drive Account and then copy the link and have it ready to submit. Also, if you were referred to us by a friend or family member working here at Heroes, make sure to add their name as well! Once you are ready to submit your information, click on the RED BUTTON below!
Here is the complete list of items we will require in the form.
1. Vocaroo Recording Link
2. Resume Link
3. Address
4. Phone Number
5. Email
6. Skype I.D.
7. Internet Provider
8. Headset Type / Brand
9. Person that Referred You / How You Found Us
Ready to Submit Your Info?
Step 2
You’ve Completed Step 2!
On to the last Step!
Step 3
Skype Interview

It’s not guaranteed that you will get an interview. Sometimes we are only in need of a couple agents, and sometimes we need to hire 10 ASAP! So if you don’t get an interview this time, we may reach out to you in the future!
If we do interview you, give us a few days to review the interviews of the candidates. Again, it’s not guaranteed that you will get hired right away. If we feel that you would be a great fit here, but we don’t have an open position, we will let you know when a position opens up again!
Bottom line, we will always keep you in the loop! If you send us several emails asking us about the hiring status, we will remove you from our process. Our time is valuable!
Best of Luck!
All Done